This Privacy Policy regulates the practice of collecting information from users when using the website, as well as their storage in the databases of our company ANGSTROM d.o.o. Our privacy policy includes the reasons for how and why we collect, use and protect your personal data in accordance with the valid Law on Personal Data Protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 87/2018), as well as other valid and applicable legal regulations, depending on which data are processed.
ANGSTROM d.o.o. processes your personal data legally, fairly and transparently with regard to the person to whom the data refers, for purposes that are specifically determined, explicit, justified and legal and that cannot be further processed in a way that is not in accordance with those purposes, and the data we process are appropriate, essential and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose of processing.

Data processing is carried out in a way that ensures adequate protection of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as against accidental loss, destruction or damage by applying appropriate technical, organizational and personnel measures.

In this document you can find information about the type of data we process, the purpose for which we collect, use and process the data, as well as your rights in relation to the personal data in question.
In the event that your specific dilemma or question is not addressed in this Privacy Policy, or you have an additional question, please feel free to contact us at the previously mentioned e-mail or phone number.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for the amended text to become effective immediately upon its publication on our website.
Your continued use of the website after the amendments implies that you accept all the terms of the Privacy Policy, as amended. Therefore, we advise users to periodically re-read the information contained in the Privacy Policy in detail, in order to be informed of any possible changes.
Types of data collected

ANGSTROM d.o.o collects the following personal data of the users of website

  • E-mail address
  • First and second name
  • IP address

Method of data collection and use

During your visit to the website, we may collect your personal data, which are necessary for your good user experience and for the possibility of using additional benefits and content that you get when you sign up for our mailing list. We use your personal data exclusively and only to enable us to provide you with the products and services that you want in order to satisfy your requirements or to adapt our offer to you, i.e. to personalize it, improve the website, ensure the verification of administrative tasks, establish contact with you, improve our advertising and promotional results and upgrade our offer of products or services on the market, as well as for the purpose of cooperation with institutions responsible for law enforcement.
We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties, for their marketing needs, without first giving you the opportunity to turn off that option. We will never misuse your personal data under any circumstances. In the following sections, we will explain to you the ways and reasons for possible disclosure of your personal information, for the purposes of the normal operation of the website.

Keeping and storing data

The company ANGSTROM d.o.o., as a seller of the products and services it presents on its website, makes maximum efforts to protect your privacy when you are “online” as a user. Your personal information is stored securely and confidentially, and processed lawfully in accordance with this privacy policy. We take appropriate technical and organizational protective measures against unauthorized and illegal access and processing of your personal data, including encryption of your information.

Purpose of processing and legal basis

ANGSTROM d.o.o. uses your data for the following purposes:

  • Providing a quality user experience
  • Providing basic services and product information
  • Communication with website users
  • Offers of new products and services
  • Other purposes

ANGSTROM d.o.o. processes personal data in accordance with Article 12 paragraph 1 point 1, 2 and 3 of the Law on Personal Data Protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 87/2018), namely:

based on your consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes,
because the processing is necessary for the execution of the contract concluded with you as the person to whom the data refer or for taking actions, at your request as the person to whom the data refer, before the conclusion of the contract and
because the processing is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of ANGSTROM d.o.o. as the operator.

Data users

Your personal data can be accessed by:

Employees of the company ANGSTROM d.o.o., or associates, to the extent that it is necessary for the execution of the contract concluded with you as the person to whom the data refer or to take actions, at your request as the person to whom the data refer, in order to fulfill the purpose of processing (providing basic services, communicating with you as a user, offering new products and services, and other purposes)
IT support to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing

Transfer of personal information outside of EU and the Republic of Serbia

ANGSTROM d.o.o does not transfer personal information outside of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia.
Information of web page and llinked pages

The information stated in this Privacy Policy refers only to our website If you are redirected to other pages via links on our pages, please inform yourself about the appropriate handling of your data.

Information of cookies
A cookie is information stored on your computer by the website you visit. Cookies usually keep your settings, settings for the website, such as your preferred language or address. Later, when you reopen the same web page, the internet browser sends back the cookies that belong to that page. This allows the website to recognize you and display information tailored to your needs. If you do not want our website to have access to your cookies, you can block them. Most web browsers allow you to block cookies (“block cookie”). You can do this through the Settings of your web browser.

When you visit our website, certain mostly anonymous information is also collected, that is, it does not reveal your identity. If you are logged into your account, some of this information may be associated with your account.

  • These are the following information:
  • Your IP address or IP address of your server
    domain name
    your provider’s name, depending on the configuration of your ISP connection;
  • date and time of your visit to the web page;
    duration of your session;
    the pages you accessed;
    how many times you accessed our website within a month;
  • URL address of the database that you viewed and the related information
    the web page that directed you to our website; and
    the operating system your computer is using.

We will occasionally use third-party advertising companies to show ads based on previous visits to our website. For example, if you visit our website, you may later see an add-on for our products and services when you visit other websites.


Our website offers an electronic newsletter to which you can voluntarily subscribe and unsubscribe at any time. Your e-mail address will be used exclusively for sending e-mails, regarding our products and services and useful tips for you as a user.

Data recipients

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, and the information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) will be transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other Google data under any circumstances. You can prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting your browser software accordingly. You can reject the collection and use of your IP address by Google Analytics at any time, with the rejection having legal effect from the moment of sending rejection and not retroactively. Additional information can be found at:

Facebook and Instagram
We may also use communication tools for social media on the Facebook web platform when communicating with our users and visitors to our website. For more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of data by Facebook, as well as on your privacy preferences, please refer to Facebook’s Privacy Policy which can be found at

Your rights
You will have the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data:

The right to request access, correction or deletion of your personal data from ANGSTROM d.o.o
The right to request restriction of data processing from ANGSTROM d.o.o
The right to complaint

Right to data portability
The right to revoke consent at any time, provided that the revocation of consent does not affect the admissibility of processing based on consent prior to revocation
The right to submit a complaint to the Commissioner
The right to information about whether we process your personal data, access to your personal data, information about the purpose of processing, about the types of data that are processed, about the recipient or types of recipients to whom the personal data have been disclosed or will be disclosed, and in particular the recipients in other countries or international organizations, on the expected term of personal data storage, or if this is not possible, on the criteria for determining that term;

At your request, ANGSTROM d.o.o. will provide you with a copy of the data it processes and which relate to you. ANGSTROM d.o.o. may request reimbursement of necessary costs for making additional copies requested by the person to whom the data refer. If the request for a copy is submitted electronically, the information shall be submitted in a commonly used electronic format.

You can exercise your rights by contacting ANGSTROM d.o.o. in the following ways:

Adress, E-mail, Telephonen – JNA 47, 21214 Sirig;; +381 66 64 12 644

Competent Authority
The competent authority for the protection of personal data is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Serbia. You can contact the authority at Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, by email at or by phone at +381 66 64 12 644.